Motor  Shield

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O Motor Shield é um shield que possibilita a ligação de motores e outros dispositivos elétricos de alta potência.

// Programa: Arduino Motor Shield - Controle motores DC

// Autor: Arduino e Cia


// carrega a biblioteca AFMotor

#include <AFMotor.h>


// Define o motor1 ligado a conexao 1

AF_DCMotor motor1(1);

// Define o motor2 ligado a conexao 4

AF_DCMotor motor2(4);


void setup()


// Define a velocidade maxima para os motores 1 e 2






void loop()


// Aciona o motor 1 no sentido horario;

// Aciona o motor 2 no sentido anti-horario;


// Aguarda 5 segundos



// Desliga os 2 motores;;


// Aciona o motor 1 no sentido anti-horario;

// Aciona o motor 2 no sentido horario;


// Aguarda 5 segundos



// Desliga os 2 motores;;



/* Ardumoto Example Sketch

by: Jim Lindblom

date: November 8, 2013

license: Public domain. Please use, reuse, and modify this sketch!

Adapted to v20 hardware by: Marshall Taylor

date: March 31, 2017

Three useful functions are defined:

setupArdumoto() -- Setup the Ardumoto Shield pins

driveArdumoto([motor], [direction], [speed]) -- Drive [motor]

(0 for A, 1 for B) in [direction] (0 or 1) at a [speed]

between 0 and 255. It will spin until told to stop.

stopArdumoto([motor]) -- Stop driving [motor] (0 or 1). setupArdumoto() is called in the setup().

The loop() demonstrates use of the motor driving functions.


 // Clockwise and counter-clockwise definitions.

// Depending on how you wired your motors, you may need to swap.

#define FORWARD 0 #define REVERSE 1

// Motor definitions to make life easier:

#define MOTOR_A 0

#define MOTOR_B 1

// Pin Assignments //

//Default pins:

#define DIRA 2 // Direction control for motor A

#define PWMA 3 // PWM control (speed) for motor A

#define DIRB 4 // Direction control for motor B

#define PWMB 11 // PWM control (speed) for motor B

////Alternate pins: //

#define DIRA 8 // Direction control for motor A //

#define PWMA 9 // PWM control (speed) for motor A //

#define DIRB 7 // Direction control for motor B //

#define PWMB 10 // PWM control (speed) for motor B

void setup()


 setupArdumoto(); // Set all pins as outputs


 void loop()


 // Drive motor A (and only motor A) at various speeds, then stop.

driveArdumoto(MOTOR_A, REVERSE, 255); // Set motor A to REVERSE at max

delay(1000); // Motor A will spin as set for 1 second

driveArdumoto(MOTOR_A, FORWARD, 127); // Set motor A to FORWARD at half

delay(1000); // Motor A will keep trucking for 1 second

stopArdumoto(MOTOR_A); // STOP motor A

// Drive motor B (and only motor B) at various speeds, then stop.

driveArdumoto(MOTOR_B, REVERSE, 255); // Set motor B to REVERSE at max

delay(1000); // Motor B will spin as set for 1 second

driveArdumoto(MOTOR_B, FORWARD, 127); // Set motor B to FORWARD at half

delay(1000); // Motor B will keep trucking for 1 second

stopArdumoto(MOTOR_B); // STOP motor B

// Drive both

driveArdumoto(MOTOR_A, FORWARD, 255); // Motor A at max speed.

driveArdumoto(MOTOR_B, FORWARD, 255); // Motor B at max speed.

delay(1000); // Drive forward for a second

// Now go backwards at half that speed:

driveArdumoto(MOTOR_A, REVERSE, 127); // Motor A at max speed.

driveArdumoto(MOTOR_B, REVERSE, 127); // Motor B at max speed.

delay(1000); // Drive forward for a second

// Now spin in place!

driveArdumoto(MOTOR_A, FORWARD, 255); // Motor A at max speed.

driveArdumoto(MOTOR_B, REVERSE, 255); // Motor B at max speed.

delay(2000); // Drive forward for a second

stopArdumoto(MOTOR_A); // STOP motor A

stopArdumoto(MOTOR_B); // STOP motor B


 // driveArdumoto drives 'motor' in 'dir' direction at 'spd' speed

void driveArdumoto(byte motor, byte dir, byte spd)


 if (motor == MOTOR_A)


 digitalWrite(DIRA, dir);

analogWrite(PWMA, spd);


 else if (motor == MOTOR_B)


 digitalWrite(DIRB, dir);

analogWrite(PWMB, spd);



 // stopArdumoto makes a motor stop

void stopArdumoto(byte motor)


 driveArdumoto(motor, 0, 0);


 // setupArdumoto initialize all pins

void setupArdumoto()


 // All pins should be setup as outputs:

pinMode(PWMA, OUTPUT);

pinMode(PWMB, OUTPUT);

pinMode(DIRA, OUTPUT);

pinMode(DIRB, OUTPUT);

// Initialize all pins as low:

digitalWrite(PWMA, LOW);

digitalWrite(PWMB, LOW);

digitalWrite(DIRA, LOW);

digitalWrite(DIRB, LOW);






NOTA: Este site é mantido pela equipe do engenheiro Roberto Massaru Watanabe e se destina principalmente para adolecentes e estudantes. Pelo caráter pedagógico do site, seu conteúdo pode ser livremente copiado, impresso e distribuido. Só não pode piratear, isto é, copiar e depois divulgar como se fosse de sua autoria.

ET-18\RMW\arduino\expmotorshield.htm em 06/01/2020, atualizado em 06/01/2020 .